upcycling art anemone flowers with plastic packaging material

Eco and up-cycling art

How eco-trends are perfectly aligned with the values of ikebana – ancient Japanese floral art

In the last few years we have seen a clear trend: moving away from opulence and artificial “over the top” design in flower arrangements towards the natural, calm harmony of simple objects.

For ikebana artists it is like a gift of life. We have always been working with the highest attention to the natural features of all plant material. Simplicity and clarity of forms is what we do the best.

Another important trend is minimizing negative environmental impact in whatever we do. Floral art included. And again it is helping ikebanists a lot. Lately floral foam used in the regular floral designs got a lot of bad publicity. It is being classified as a source of micro plastics pollution. Florists all over the world start looking for alternative ways of fixing and hydrating flowers. Lucky for us, in ikebana the classic methods of fixing flowers were invented hundreds of years ago, so there no plastics involved. The fixation is done either with natural material (branches, stones) or with multiple use metal fixings such as kenzans – the so called flower pin holders.

But ikebana also evolves with times. Now we use more modern material to create up-cycling designs. Finding beauty in plastic waste, drift wood, old shoes, construction materials is what we are actively exploring. Instead of sending something to a landfill we make an artwork out of it. This has a deep link with the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi – the beauty of imperfection and adoration of “wear and tear” in daily things. In some way up-cycling mentality was always a part of what we do in ikebana.

We are always happy to collaborate with ecologically minded clients who focus on sustainability. We actively build connections with local flower growers and especially those who are committed to the organic farming. If you are such a client do get in touch and we would be excited to show you what is possible in the realm of up-cycling and eco-friendly floral art objects.

Contact us: ekaterina@ikebanaPRO.com, +32-479-451-422

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